
 Pre-K Schedule   

7:00-7:40    Welcome and Morning Work Activity

*Ms. Michelle (Educational Assistant) arrives at 7am

*Mrs. Bailey arrives at 7:20am

7:40-7:50    Morning Announcements and Pledge

7:50-8:10    Opening Group (calendar)     

8:10-8:30    Big Experience #1

8:30-9:30    Center Time (small group pull out)

9:30-9:40    Clean-up and Bathroom

9:40-10:10   Recess

10:10-10:15  Bathroom and Drinks

10:15-10:35  Big Experience #2

10:35           Bathroom

10:40-11:10  Lunch

11:10-11:40   Enrichment Activity (Gym, Music, Art, Library)

11:40-12:10  Math (whole group and small group)

12:10-12:30  Big Experience #3

12:30-2:00   Bathroom, Story and Nap Time

2:00-2:30    Bathroom Break and Afternoon Snack

*Ms. Joy and Ms. Jennifer from Extended Day Program (EDP) arrive at 2:00  

*Mrs. Bailey’s planning period begins at 2:00 (will remain available in office until 3:50)

2:30-3:30   Center Time

3:30-4:00    Recess

4:00-5:30    Story, Art Project and Free Play

*3:00 Ms. Michelle leaves for the day

*Ms. Joy and Ms. Jennifer will dismiss students at the end of the day